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Livres anciens et modernes

[Syriac Maronite Church Of Antioch - Synod Of Mount Lebanon].

Ristretto delle Relazioni de Relatori del Sinodo del Monte Libano, et unione di esse fatto dal Cardinal Prefetto, e Ponente destinato da Nostro Signore in luogo del Sig. Cardinal Rezzonico assente per minor incomodo degl'Em'i Votanti.

No place or date, but probably Rome, 1736 or soon after.,

2500,00 €

Inlibris Antiquariat

(Wien, Autriche)

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[Syriac Maronite Church Of Antioch - Synod Of Mount Lebanon].
No place or date, but probably Rome, 1736 or soon after.
Middle East, incl. Arabian Gulf: History, Travels, Falconry and Horses


Small folio (ca. 192 x 262 mm). (Title leaf), 21, (1) pp., (final blank leaf). Italian manuscript on paper. A contemporary account of the 1736 Maronite Synod of Mount Lebanon, which laid the foundations for the modern Maronite Church. Concerns the appointment of Giuseppe Simone Assemani (Yusuf ibn Siman as-Simani) as Apostolic Delegate, who presided over the Synod, and the settlements of several sensitive issues of Maronite Church, such as liturgy, martyrology, sacraments, marriage, and the authority of the Patriarch. - On loose folded leaves, pages numbered. Well preserved.