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Livres anciens et modernes

Kostjuk, Jakowlewa

Gold of the Tsars - 100 Masterpieces of goldsmith's art of the Hermitage, St. Petersburg - The Guild of Foreign Masters - Zarengold - 100 Meisterwerke der Goldschmiedekunst aus der Staatlichen Eremitage St. Petersburg - Die Gilde der auslandischen Meister - Fritz Falk Hrsg.

Arnoldsche, 1995

81,00 € 90,00 €

Di Noto Giovanni Studio Bibliografico

(Dolo, Italie)

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Kostjuk, Jakowlewa
preziosi-oro, argento, pietre e metalli - per luogo-Russia


1 lingua: multi - tedesco, inglese Legat. edit. in tela con sovrac. illustrata, cm 30x24, pag. 240, con 135 illustraz. di cui 106 a colori - A cura di Olga G. Kostjuk e L.A. Jakowlewa - Text in English and German - Provides details on the creative production of the master goldsmiths in St. Petersburg who belonged to the foreign masters' guild. The State Ermitage of St. Petersburg is one of the most important and magnificent treasure vaults in the world. Among other things, it includes masterpieces of goldsmithing from antiquity to the beginning of this century. For this publication, treasures created between the early 18th and the late 19th centuries have been chosen from the extensive collections at the Ermitage. Pieces of jewelry which were the personal property of the tsars reflect the glory of the Russian royal court. Among the treasures illustrated are magnificent pocket watches set with precious jewels, snuffboxes with portraits of the Romanovs, and ornamental weapons and the diamond decorated walking stick of Katharina II - Perfetto stato.