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Libri antichi e moderni

Benjamin-Constant, Jean-Joseph, French Painter And Etcher (1845-, 1902).

Autograph lettercard signed ("Benj. Constant").

59, Rue Amp re [Paris], n. d.,

650,00 €

Inlibris Antiquariat

(Wien, Austria)

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Metodi di Pagamento


Benjamin-Constant, Jean-Joseph, French Painter And Etcher (1845-, 1902).
59, Rue Amp re [Paris], n. d.
Autographs: Art


Oblong 12mo (139 x 91 mm). 4 lines. Interesting letter to the academic painter and art critic Charles-Olivier Merson, asserting that he as "nothing to exhibit" and that he doesn't want to participate in exhibitions in the province anymore: "Je n'a rien a exposer et ne veux plus exposer en province". - Merson was the curator for paintings at the Exposition de Bordeaux. - On mourning paper with printed letterhead. Well preserved.