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Libri antichi e moderni

Amin, Samir (Paul Rebeyrolle, Illustrator)

Eloge du socialisme. Une utopie concrËte. Lithographies de Paul Rebeyrolle

Maeght Editeur, 1976

975,00 €

Cole & Contreras Books

(Sitges, Spagna)

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Anno di pubblicazione
Luogo di stampa
Amin, Samir (Paul Rebeyrolle, Illustrator)
Maeght Editeur
coleillus samir amin pay rebeyrolle maeght


FIRST EDITION of this text by Amin, ILLUSTRATED WITH LARGE FOLIO ORIGINAL COLOR LITHOGRAPHS BY PAUL REBEYROLLE, 8 of which are double-page (57 x 77 cm) and 6 of which are single-page (57 x 38.5 cm). From a total edition of 175 copies beautifully printed by the Imprimerie Royale (for the text) and Maeght (for the lithographs), this is one of 25 copies hors commerce. SIGNED by Amin and Rebeyrolle on the justification page. The frontispiece, a double-page lithograph, is also SIGNED and justified in pencil by Rebeyrolle. The font used is 52 Didot millimÈtrique, which hadn't been used since the Empire. Large folio (57 x 38.5 cm). Loose as issued in wrappers. FINE AND BRIGHT WITH NO DEFECTS, an absolutely perfect copy in the original folding case (lightly worn).