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Libri antichi e moderni

Blogg [Bloch], Solomon [Shlomo] Ben Ephraim

Sefer Kohelet Shelomo / Seder Hagadah Shel Pesach [2 BOOKS IN 1] [HEBREW / YIDDISH]

E. A. Telgener, 1840-1848

320,00 €

The Book Gallery

(Jerusalem, Israele)

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Blogg [Bloch], Solomon [Shlomo] Ben Ephraim
E. A. Telgener
Books in Yiddish German Jewry Jewish law and Mussar Judaism -, Judaica Passover Haggadas Sifrei Kodesh


2 different books bound together, both written by Solomon Blogg (Bloch), who founded the Hebrew printing press (with Telgener) in Hannover, and worked to spread Hebrew literacy among Jews and non-Jews alike. Both titles are written in Hebrew and Yiddish (more correctly, Hebrew transcription of German). The first title, Kohelet Shlomo, is an extensive manual to religious Jewish life. The different customs and prayers are listed and Hebrew, then translated and explained in Yiddish. The second title is a passover Haggadah, also with Yiddish translation and annotation. 215X170mm, 190+30 double pages. Grey quarter-cloth hardcover. Cover worn adn bumped. Cover peeling at edges. Spine torn. Pages yellowing, stained and wavy. Despite the aforementioned wear, these rare books are in good condition for reading.