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Libri antichi e moderni

De Havilland, Olivia



2350,00 €

Complete Traveller

(Westport, Stati Uniti d'America)

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De Havilland, Olivia
Available Inventory Gone With The Wind
Stato di conservazione
Molto buono


De Havilland's erasure and correction (to 'al' in 'survival') ; On light blue typing paper. Dated September 17, 1983, Paris, France, to Roy Hensel, Carlisle County School, Bardwell, Kentucky. "Dear Roy Hensel, Many, many thanks indeed for your recent kind letter and for your generous comments about my work. Under seperate cover the GONE WITH THE WIND still you sent me for my signature will soon be on its way to you. Regarding your questions: 1) I think there are several reasons for the enduring popularity of GONE WITH THE WIND: its theme is universal as it deals with conflict, defeat, and renaissance--an experience familiar to all peoples, all nations. 2) Vivien Leigh, Leslie Howard, and I were cast in our roles before any of the principal filming had begun, and our selection was announced simultaneously in January, 1939. 3) I do feel that Sidney Howard's adaptation of the novel was very faithful to the spirit of the book and to all its most significant elements and details. 4) Clark Gable was always perfectly prepared for his role, highly professional in every respect. With very best wishes to you and to your students, Most sincerely, Olivia De Havilland" Signed in ballpoint pen. Folded once lengthwise and once across. Folds hardly noticeable. Letters are two-toned, blue and red. Nice letter, great content