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Libri antichi e moderni

Einzinger, Leopold.

Von den Kircht gen in den Wienervorst dten. Ein n thig gefundener Nachtrag zu den Beytr gen zur Schilderung Wiens.

Vienna, Sebastian Hartl, [1782]., 1782

350,00 €

Inlibris Antiquariat

(Wien, Austria)

Parla con il Libraio

Metodi di Pagamento


Anno di pubblicazione
Einzinger, Leopold.
Vienna, Sebastian Hartl, [1782].
Austriaca, Viennensia


8vo. 16 pp. - (Bound with ) II: [(Schuhbauer, Thomas Joachim?). Rede eines alten Novizenmeisters aus den Franciskanerorden an seine Z glinge am Tage ihrer Klosterprofession bey den heutigen verdorbenen Zeitumst nden. (Munich), 1782]. 94 pp. (wanting title-page). Later grey boards with giltstamped red spine label. Only edition of this account of fairs held in the suburbs of Vienna in the 18th century; "rare" (cf. Eckl). "Bound with a Josephinian pamphlet which wants the title-page and discusses monks" (ibid.). The authorship of this second work ("parts of which display a robust humour", cf. Hayn/G.) is sometimes attributed to the Jesuit Anton Bucher and by others to the Benedictine monk Thomas Joachim Schuhbauer. - Somewhat browned; untrimmed. - From the collection of Georg Eckl with his bookplate on the front pastedown. Latterly in the collection of Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Engel. - Eckl collection IV, 231 (this copy). Gugitz II, 11628. Mayer collection 917. Behrisch, Die Wiener Autoren (1784), p. 62. - II: Hayn/Gotendorf II, 353. Holzmann/Bohatta III, 10991.