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Libros antiguos y modernos

Katharina Van Cauteren, Nils B Ttner, Matthias Ubl, Hildegard Va, N De Velde. Scenography By Walter Van Beirendonck

BLIND DATE, The Bold and The Beautiful in Flemish Portraits

, Hannibal / Kannibaal , 2020,

60,00 €

Erik Tonen Books

(Antwerpen, Bélgica)

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Formas de Pago


Katharina Van Cauteren, Nils B Ttner, Matthias Ubl, Hildegard Va, N De Velde. Scenography By Walter Van Beirendonck
, Hannibal / Kannibaal , 2020
Kunst, Art, Art, Kunst


Hardcover, 290 x 250 mm, 288 pages, English edition. ISBN 9789463887403. Portraits from the late Middle Ages and the early modern period, what should we do with those long forgotten people from centuries ago? They stare at us, sometimes with a little monk, or ignore us completely. Without saying a word. Yet they have so much to tell us. About their fascinating lives, who they were or hoped to be. This book wants to offer the reader an appointment with history, or rather, a blind date with portrayed men and women from days gone by. Blind Date shows an exceptional sample of portraiture from the past. The Phoebus Foundation possesses a wealth of such portraits, so many and diverse that they could compile an exhibition and a book that illuminate the genre of portrait painting in all its facets, from selfie to group portrait.