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Libros antiguos y modernos

Hainsworth, Bryan & G. S. Kirk

THE ILIAD: A COMMENTARY Volume III: Books 9-12 Very Good

Cambridge University Press, 1993

50,00 €

Ancient World Books Bookshop

(Toronto, Ontario, Canadá)

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Hainsworth, Bryan & G. S. Kirk
Cambridge University Press
Movements & Periods History & Criticism Literature & Fiction, Epic Poetry Greek Classics Words & Language Reference
Very Good
Softcover ISBN 0521281733


Foxing to textblock and endpapers. ; This is the third volume in the major six-volume Commentary on Homer’s Iliad prepared under the General Editorship of Professor G. S. Kirk. It opens with two introductory chapters: the first on Homeric diction (on which emphasis is maintained throughout the Commentary) ; the second on the contributions that comparative studies have made to seeing the Homeric epics in sharper perspective. In the commentary Dr Hainsworth confronts in an intentionally even-handed manner the serious problems posed by the ninth, tenth and twelfth books of The Iliad, seeking by means of a succinct discussion and a brief bibliography of recent contributions to furnish the user with a point of entry into the often voluminous scholarship devoted to these questions. The Greek text is not included. ; The Iliad: a Commentary; Vol. 3; 0.89 x 8.98 x 6 Inches; 402 pages