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The Book Gallery


A propos de ce vendeur

Les vendeurs de sont tous des professionnels du livre et du papier. Grâce aux nombreux catalogues mis en ligne, il est possible de rechercher parmi plus de 12 millions de titres : livres anciens et modernes, périodiques, cartes postales, manuscrits, autographes, estampes, mais aussi objets de collection.

Les vendeurs sont des librairies anciennes, des librairies d'occasion et modernes, des studios bibliographiques, des galeries d'art et des maisons d'édition. Le caractère unique de est la spécialisation, grâce à laquelle c'est possible d'occuper des niches sur le marché des antiquités et au-delà.

Catalogue du vendeur - 18205 titres

  • Politics and the Academy: Arnold Toynbee and the Koraes Chair

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Clogg, Richard

    Politics and the Academy: Arnold Toynbee and the Koraes Chair


    30,00 €

    The Book Gallery (Israël)

  • Pottery, Poetry and Prophecy: Studies in Early Hebrew Poetry

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Freedman, David Noel

    Pottery, Poetry and Prophecy: Studies in Early Hebrew Poetry


    25,00 €

    The Book Gallery (Israël)

  • Practical Bibliography [IN HEBREW, PREFACE IN ENGLISH]

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Amrami, Yaakov (Yoel)

    Practical Bibliography [IN HEBREW, PREFACE IN ENGLISH]


    14,06 €

    The Book Gallery (Israël)

  • Primo Levi: au miroir de son oeuvre - le témoin, …

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Amsallem, Daniela

    Primo Levi: au miroir de son oeuvre - le témoin, l'écrivain, le chimiste


    20,00 €

    The Book Gallery (Israël)

  • Principles of Linguistic Change: Volume 2 - Social Factors [THIS …

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Labov, William

    Principles of Linguistic Change: Volume 2 - Social Factors [THIS VOLUME ONLY].


    35,00 €

    The Book Gallery (Israël)

  • Principles of Talmudic Private Law [IN HEBREW]

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Albeck, Shalom

    Principles of Talmudic Private Law [IN HEBREW]


    34,38 €

    The Book Gallery (Israël)

  • R. Judah Ibn Bal'am's Commentary on Isaiah: The Arabic Original …

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Ibn Bal'Am, Judah, Goshen-Gottstein, Moshe, Perez, Ma'Aravi [Tr. Comments And Intro.]

    R. Judah Ibn Bal'am's Commentary on Isaiah: The Arabic Original According to MS Firkowitch (Ebr-arab I 1377) with a Hebrew Translation, Notes and Intoduction [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION].


    20,31 €

    The Book Gallery (Israël)

  • Rabbi, Playwright, Poet: Judah Leo Landau [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH …

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Friedlander, Yehuda, Weiser, Rafael [Eds.]

    Rabbi, Playwright, Poet: Judah Leo Landau [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION]


    14,06 €

    The Book Gallery (Israël)

  • Recent Developments in Hittite Archaeology and History: Papers in Memory …

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Yener, K. Aslihan, Hoffner, Harry A., Dhesi, Simrit [Eds.]

    Recent Developments in Hittite Archaeology and History: Papers in Memory of Hans G. Guterbock


    25,00 €

    The Book Gallery (Israël)

  • Religion and Law: Biblical-Judaic and Islamic Perspectives

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Firmage, Edwin B., Weiss, Bernard G., Welch, John W. [Ed.]

    Religion and Law: Biblical-Judaic and Islamic Perspectives


    35,00 €

    The Book Gallery (Israël)

  • Scots Jews: Identity, Belonging and the Future [SIGNED]

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Passow, Judah [Photography], Mail, Michael [Intr.]

    Scots Jews: Identity, Belonging and the Future [SIGNED]


    25,00 €

    The Book Gallery (Israël)

  • Sefer Ha-Miluim: A dictionary to the Talmud and Midrashim, based …

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Schönhak, Joseph

    Sefer Ha-Miluim: A dictionary to the Talmud and Midrashim, based on the order of the Aruch, with clarification of readings and sources from the Babylonian and Palestinian Talmuds, the Tannaitic Midrashim, and the Halachic and Aggadic Midrashim [IN HEBREW] [FACSIMILE EDITION]


    37,50 €

    The Book Gallery (Israël)