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Rare and modern books

Beijerinck, Martinus Willem (1851-1951).

Sur la cécidiogénèse et la génération alternante chez le Cynips gallicus.

Arch. Nérland. Sci. Exact. Nat., 30:,

45.00 €

Aquila Natural History Books

(Zutphen, Netherlands)

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Beijerinck, Martinus Willem (1851-1951).
Arch. Nérland. Sci. Exact. Nat., 30:


pp. 387-555, 21 photos on 2 pls., 14 (4 col.) figs. on 1 pl. 8vo. Offprint, orig. printed wrs., uncut. - "Beijerinck was the first to describe correctly the biology of gall wasps and wasp galls in his paper of 1882, still a basic reference on the subject. In the present paper he compared gall formation with normal ontogeny and made the precocious suggestion that both processes are controlled by enzymes." Cf. Dict. Sci. Biogr., vol. XV, p. 14.