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Library services

The customised service for libraries allows public institutions and private Foundations to purchase books on thanks to a fully customised channel.


More than 1000 Libraries and Foundations


More than 600 suppliers including bookshops, publishers, wholesalers

Processed orders

42,350 orders processed in the last year


More than 10 million titles to search through


  • Short response times - within 48 working hours
  • A single invoicing centre
  • We find books for you at a competitive price!
  • We are specialised in out-of-print and out-of-catalogue - We have been doing this for 25 years!
  • Always satisfied - Our skilled service team is always ready to satisfy your needs
  • Only professional bookshops - It's a quality guarantee

What we are offering you

  • Enter requests for out-of-print and antique titles, trade books
  • Check the status of pending requests
  • Check pending and completed orders
  • Check invoiced and pending orders
  • Send title list via platform

Additional services

Improve your experience

A large offer of additional services through which your Library can improve the research and purchasing experience.


Quoting with Marelibrorum



Advertising Services

Advertising Services


Research and printing of anastatic copies

Among our customers

Alma Mater Studiorum

Harvard University

Galleria degli Uffizi

Università degli Studi di Milano

Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense

Università degli Studi di Venezia

University of Notre Dame

Biblioteca Sormani


How to Register for the Library Service

To register for the Library Service you need to click on Log in, choose the appropriate account type (Library) and enter the required data. At the end of the registration process you will need to download an information form, fill it in and send it to us by email. Once we receive the fax, we will contact you and activate your account.

Payment Methods

The payment method reserved for libraries registered with the service is conventionally referred to as "Library". Using an account with library status it is not possible to place orders with other payment methods. Upon completion of the order an invoice will be issued and sent, which must be paid by bank transfer to Maremagnum within 30 days of receipt of the books ordered.

Modalità di fatturazione srl emette regolare fattura elettronica a fronte dell’ordine da parte della biblioteca; qualora fosse necessario è possibile emettere anche la fattura elettronica in regime di split payament.

Se l’ordine è effettuato da una pubblica amministrazione è obbligatorio comunicare in fase di ordine, negli appositi campi, i dati di buono d’ordine e CIG (tranne che nei casi di esclusione dall’obbligo di tracciabilità riportati nella Legge n. 136 del 13 agosto 2010).

DURC AND Traceability

It is possible to obtain the documentation required for the D.U.R.C. and for Law 136 (traceability of financial transactions) by sending your forms, to be completed by fax or email, to the Library Service.

Purchasing from Extra-EU Bookshops

As there are additional costs for purchases from bookshops outside the EU due to import duty, it is not possible to purchase directly, using the library payment method, from non-European booksellers.
Maremagnum provides a quote through which you can indicate your interest in certain books sold by non-European booksellers. Maremagnum will send an estimate including customs duty costs, accepting which will instruct Maremagnum to purchase, import and ship these books to the customer.