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Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop


About this seller

Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.

Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.

Seller's catalogue - 22635 titles

  • Fatih'in aslanlari futbolun vataninda.

    Rare and modern books

    Ahmet Çakir.

    Fatih'in aslanlari futbolun vataninda.


    15.98 €

    Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)

  • Armenian allegations: Myth and reality. A handbook of facts and …

    Rare and modern books

    Preface By Sükrü Elekdag.

    Armenian allegations: Myth and reality. A handbook of facts and documents.


    7.52 €

    Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)

  • A bridge between cultures: Studies on Ottoman and Republican Turkey …

    Rare and modern books

    Sinan Kuneralp.

    A bridge between cultures: Studies on Ottoman and Republican Turkey in memory of Ali Ihsan Bagis.


    31.02 €

    Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)

  • Otto Harrassowitz Buchhandlung und Antiquariat. Bücher-katalog 363. Semitische Völker und …

    Rare and modern books

    Otto Harrasowitz.

    Otto Harrassowitz Buchhandlung und Antiquariat. Bücher-katalog 363. Semitische Völker und sprachenenthaltend u. a. einen Teil der Bibliothek des verstorbenen Prof. Dr. Hugo Winckler in Berlin. 1914 [Catalogue of bookseller].


    41.36 €

    Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)

  • Sadberk Hanim Müzesi. Photos by Selâmet Taskin.

    Rare and modern books

    Sadberk Hanim Museum.

    Sadberk Hanim Müzesi. Photos by Selâmet Taskin.


    8.46 €

    Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)

  • K. F. Kohlers Antiquarium. Volk und Rasse. Antiquariatskatalog 101.

    Rare and modern books

    K. F. Koehlers Antiquarium.

    K. F. Kohlers Antiquarium. Volk und Rasse. Antiquariatskatalog 101.


    15.98 €

    Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)

  • Ben Ruhi Bey nasilim. Siir.

    Rare and modern books

    Edip Cansever, (1928-1986).

    Ben Ruhi Bey nasilim. Siir.


    94.00 €

    Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)

  • L'Expedition en provence de l'armee de mer du Sultan Suleyman …

    Rare and modern books

    N. A.

    L'Expedition en provence de l'armee de mer du Sultan Suleyman sous le commandement de l'Admiral Hayreddin Pacha, dit Barberousse, (1543-1544). [Separatum].


    28.20 €

    Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)

  • Elements of Brahmanism in the transcendentalism of Emerson.

    Rare and modern books

    Leyla Goren.

    Elements of Brahmanism in the transcendentalism of Emerson.


    20.68 €

    Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)

  • Geçmise dogru bir bakis: Fosil insanin gündelik yasamindan bazi kesitler.

    Rare and modern books

    Güven Arsebük.

    Geçmise dogru bir bakis: Fosil insanin gündelik yasamindan bazi kesitler.


    21.62 €

    Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)

  • Sarajevon Islamilaiset mystikkoveljeskunnat ja niiden laulanta.

    Rare and modern books

    Risto Pekka Pennanen.

    Sarajevon Islamilaiset mystikkoveljeskunnat ja niiden laulanta.


    135.36 €

    Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)

  • Halûk Sahin'in Bozcaada kitabi.

    Rare and modern books

    Halûk Sahin.

    Halûk Sahin'in Bozcaada kitabi.


    13.16 €

    Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)