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Di Noto Giovanni Studio Bibliografico


About this seller

Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.

Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.

Seller's catalogue - 1119 titles

  • Argenti Italiani del XX secolo - Dalle arti decorative al …

    Rare and modern books


    Argenti Italiani del XX secolo - Dalle arti decorative al design - ( Argenti Italiani del ventesimo secolo )


    54.00 € 60.00 €

    Di Noto Giovanni Studio Bibliografico (Italy)

  • The Directory of Gold & Silversmiths - Jewellers & Allied …

    Rare and modern books


    The Directory of Gold & Silversmiths - Jewellers & Allied Traders 1838 1914 - from the London Assay Office Registers


    540.00 € 600.00 €

    Di Noto Giovanni Studio Bibliografico (Italy)

  • Gold of the Tsars - 100 Masterpieces of goldsmith's art …

    Rare and modern books

    Kostjuk, Jakowlewa

    Gold of the Tsars - 100 Masterpieces of goldsmith's art of the Hermitage, St. Petersburg - The Guild of Foreign Masters - Zarengold - 100 Meisterwerke der Goldschmiedekunst aus der Staatlichen Eremitage St. Petersburg - Die Gilde der auslandischen Meister - Fritz Falk Hrsg.


    81.00 € 90.00 €

    Di Noto Giovanni Studio Bibliografico (Italy)

  • Tiffany Silver Flatware - 1845 1905 - When Dining was …

    Rare and modern books

    Hood Jr., Berlin, Wawrynek

    Tiffany Silver Flatware - 1845 1905 - When Dining was an Art


    72.00 € 80.00 €

    Di Noto Giovanni Studio Bibliografico (Italy)

  • L'arte del gioiello in Europa - dal Medioevo al Liberty

    Rare and modern books


    L'arte del gioiello in Europa - dal Medioevo al Liberty


    63.00 € 70.00 €

    Di Noto Giovanni Studio Bibliografico (Italy)

  • Il Bagnacavallo Senior - ( Bartolomeo Ramenghi ) - 1484 …

    Rare and modern books


    Il Bagnacavallo Senior - ( Bartolomeo Ramenghi ) - 1484 1542 - catalogo generale


    99.00 € 110.00 €

    Di Noto Giovanni Studio Bibliografico (Italy)

  • I Macchiaioli - Sentimento del vero - catalogo mostra Roma …

    Rare and modern books


    I Macchiaioli - Sentimento del vero - catalogo mostra Roma 2007


    31.50 € 35.00 €

    Di Noto Giovanni Studio Bibliografico (Italy)

  • Cosa valgono le chiavi antiche - The value of keys

    Rare and modern books

    Urbano Quinto

    Cosa valgono le chiavi antiche - The value of keys


    36.00 € 40.00 €

    Di Noto Giovanni Studio Bibliografico (Italy)

  • Un paese incantato - Italia dipinta da Thomas Jones a …

    Rare and modern books


    Un paese incantato - Italia dipinta da Thomas Jones a Corot - catalogo mostra Mantova 2001


    126.00 € 140.00 €

    Di Noto Giovanni Studio Bibliografico (Italy)

  • Les Statuettes d'Ivoire en Europe - du Moyen Age au …

    Rare and modern books


    Les Statuettes d'Ivoire en Europe - du Moyen Age au XIXe siècle


    76.50 € 85.00 €

    Di Noto Giovanni Studio Bibliografico (Italy)

  • Jan Van Kessel - 1641 1680

    Rare and modern books


    Jan Van Kessel - 1641 1680


    225.00 € 250.00 €

    Di Noto Giovanni Studio Bibliografico (Italy)

  • Faïences de Tunisie - Qallaline et Nabeul - ( Faiences …

    Rare and modern books


    Faïences de Tunisie - Qallaline et Nabeul - ( Faiences de Tunisie )


    72.00 € 80.00 €

    Di Noto Giovanni Studio Bibliografico (Italy)