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Design Books


About this seller

Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.

Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.

Seller's catalogue - 4531 titles

  • Maria Pergay Provenant des Collections Gourgaud

    Rare and modern books


    Maria Pergay Provenant des Collections Gourgaud


    45.00 €

    Design Books (United States of America)

  • C. C. Wang's Painting And Calligraphy Works

    Rare and modern books

    Wang, C. C. , Foreword By Lu Fusheng

    C. C. Wang's Painting And Calligraphy Works


    195.00 €

    Design Books (United States of America)

  • Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books from the Broxbourne Library Illustrating …

    Rare and modern books


    Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books from the Broxbourne Library Illustrating the Spread of Printing First and Second Portions (complete)


    75.00 €

    Design Books (United States of America)

  • Films and Videos on Photography

    Rare and modern books

    Covert, Nadine Et Al.

    Films and Videos on Photography


    25.00 €

    Design Books (United States of America)

  • Pietro Damini 1592- 1631 Pittura e Controriforma

    Rare and modern books

    Banzato, Davide & Pier Luigi Fantelli

    Pietro Damini 1592- 1631 Pittura e Controriforma


    75.00 €

    Design Books (United States of America)

  • Br¸cke-Archiv Heft 13/14 (1983/84)

    Rare and modern books

    Reidemeister, Leopold

    Br¸cke-Archiv Heft 13/14 (1983/84)


    17.50 €

    Design Books (United States of America)

  • Bibliotheque Erotique Gerard Nordman 2 Volumes

    Rare and modern books


    Bibliotheque Erotique Gerard Nordman 2 Volumes


    195.00 €

    Design Books (United States of America)

  • Edgar Degas (1834-1917) Collection Nepveu-Degas. Important ensemble de dessins, huiles …

    Rare and modern books

    Ader Tajan

    Edgar Degas (1834-1917) Collection Nepveu-Degas. Important ensemble de dessins, huiles et bronze


    25.00 €

    Design Books (United States of America)

  • The World's Fair Collection of Alfred Heller

    Rare and modern books


    The World's Fair Collection of Alfred Heller


    17.50 €

    Design Books (United States of America)

  • Quince Pintores y Escultores

    Rare and modern books

    Nelka, Margarita

    Quince Pintores y Escultores


    15.00 €

    Design Books (United States of America)

  • Jonathan Lasker 1977 - 2003

    Rare and modern books

    Robert Hobbs, Richard Milazzo, Kevin Power, And Pia M¸Ller-Tamm

    Jonathan Lasker 1977 - 2003


    125.00 €

    Design Books (United States of America)

  • Keith Mayerson: Heroes

    Rare and modern books

    Mayerson, Keith

    Keith Mayerson: Heroes


    95.00 €

    Design Books (United States of America)