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Metamorfosi Libreria


About this seller

Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.

Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.

Seller's catalogue - 3056 titles

  • Non fare il minimo rumore. 29 poesie e una prosa …

    Rare and modern books

    Sylvano Bussotti, CATALOGO 121

    Non fare il minimo rumore. 29 poesie e una prosa 1982 - 1997


    30.00 €

    Metamorfosi Libreria (Italy)

  • Paul Klee

    Rare and modern books

    Paul Klee - H.L.Jaffe - A.Busignani Collana Diretta Da, CATALOGO 145

    Paul Klee


    15.00 €

    Metamorfosi Libreria (Italy)

  • An Historical Relation of Ceylon

    Rare and modern books

    Robert Knox, CATALOGO 145

    An Historical Relation of Ceylon


    20.00 €

    Metamorfosi Libreria (Italy)

  • Sixty four Years in Ceylon. Reminescences of life and adventure …

    Rare and modern books

    Frederick Lewis, F.L.S., M.C.B.R.A.S., CATALOGO 145

    Sixty four Years in Ceylon. Reminescences of life and adventure by Frederick Lewis


    60.00 €

    Metamorfosi Libreria (Italy)

  • Leonardeschi in Lombardia

    Rare and modern books

    Maria Teresa Fiorio- Renzo Cagno Con Un Saggio Di

    Leonardeschi in Lombardia


    15.00 €

    Metamorfosi Libreria (Italy)

  • Via Crucis

    Rare and modern books

    Alberto Weber- A.Audoli - D.Capello Testi Di

    Via Crucis


    15.00 €

    Metamorfosi Libreria (Italy)

  • Grand Cru. Le Edizioni Pulcinoelefante per la Galleria L Affiche

    Rare and modern books

    Alda Merini - Alberto Casiraghi Testi Di - Luca Carra Fotografie, Di, CATALOGO 145

    Grand Cru. Le Edizioni Pulcinoelefante per la Galleria L Affiche


    40.00 €

    Metamorfosi Libreria (Italy)

  • Modern Publicity in war

    Rare and modern books

    Sir Cecil M.Weir, K.B.E., M.C. - With An Introduction By, CATALOGO 145

    Modern Publicity in war


    20.00 €

    Metamorfosi Libreria (Italy)

  • L incredibile verita

    Rare and modern books

    Zanna Ran Carnyj - Alessandro Curletto

    L incredibile verita


    15.00 €

    Metamorfosi Libreria (Italy)

  • Isella - Palace

    Rare and modern books

    Giovanni Agosti, CATALOGO 145

    Isella - Palace


    25.00 €

    Metamorfosi Libreria (Italy)

  • La donna seduta. Conversazione fra Copi e Alfredo Arias

    Rare and modern books

    Copi - Aldo Vigano

    La donna seduta. Conversazione fra Copi e Alfredo Arias


    15.00 €

    Metamorfosi Libreria (Italy)

  • Pensees. Avec le notes de Voltaire

    Rare and modern books

    Pascal - Voltaire Avec Le Notes De, CATALOGO 144

    Pensees. Avec le notes de Voltaire


    50.00 €

    Metamorfosi Libreria (Italy)